
Sunday, 22 August 2010

Our new addition

On Saturday 14th August our new addition, Arnold the Border Terrier puppy, moved in!  He's now 9 weeks old and settling in really well. Dog face

We spent most of last Saturday afternoon and evening following him around like a shadow to grab him everytime he decided to do his business on the kitchen floor!  I can remember thinking, omg, what a massive responsibility..............but lo and behold the following day he was waiting every time until we took him outside to the garden.  He's learned to sit on demand within the first week and we really can't believe what a clever little puppy he is and how fast he learns things.  We've had a few accidents but on the whole he's doing everything he should.

He has a habit for diving at and biting and growling at our ankles every now and then when he's having a mad half hour which we're trying to put a stop to as we know that we have to lay down the rules now while he's still little.  A swift minute shut out of the living room behind his door gate is usually enough to make him realise he's been a bit naughty.


He loves to play with his soft toys in particular and has already bitten the ears off his toy dog after only a week!  He will run and fetch his toys when we throw them for him but hasn't quite mastered the concept of 'Drop it' yet Smile

He sleeps in his crate when he needs to and has slept continuously through the night from the first day we had him (we consider ourselves very lucky!).  We moved his crate into the kitchen through the night on Friday and with a little help from Radio 5 live he was as good as gold Sleepy smile

Arnold had a trip to the vet on Wednesday evening just to check him out and they were really pleased with him apart from having a little dry skin which we're getting a moisturing shampoo for - his first bath will be interesting!  He will be returning to the vets on 31st August for his final jabs and then just one week later will be allowed to go out for walks - we can't wait!! Open-mouthed smile

All in all he's been a super addition to our family so far and we've laughed so much already it's untrue! Open-mouthed smile