
Tuesday, 8 August 2017

A motherhood moan

It's been a while and I'm afraid my returning post is a moany one I'm afraid.  Why the long absence?  Well you may remember I'm one of those very strange individuals who decided to start all over again in the child rearing department.  Freddie will be 9 months old on Thursday (oh my god where did that time go?) and Eliza is nearly 2 and half (28 months to be precise) and don't we know it!  That should go some way in explaining my lack of presence.

I'm not saying that motherhood is a chore but it can sure be hard sometimes especially when only Mommy's assistance will suffice and Daddy has suddenly become the big bad hairy monster.  I guess we all have days where we're sick of watching Toy Story for the umpteenth time (Eliza's current favourite), trying to be creative with baby meals or changing yet another stinky nappy.  Yep, some day's I just don't want to 'adult' or more specifically 'mom'.  Don't get me wrong I love them all with an absolute passion (yes, even the older ones!) but even mom needs a break from time to time.  On the odd occasions where I get half a day completely child free the feeling of love I have for them upon collection time is so intense.  I guess it just gives you time to recharge your batteries before starting again.

I must add, Freddie is a nocturnal creature by nature.  Wherever he got the idea from that this was acceptable behaviour is beyond me.  Sam, Abi, Eliza.....all slept through the night from around the 6 week mark, but Freddie? No, he thinks he's quite within his rights to wake us up gone midnight and then maybe again around 2 or possibly 4am.  You see there's no real pattern.   People ask "oh, is he really hungry or can he just not settle himself?" but believe me give him a 5-6oz bottle and he'll polish off the lot!  That's on top of 3 - 4 bottles during the day plus ready brek, fruit purees, finger foods etc.  This child has hollow legs I swear!  I know it could be worse, I read stories of 9 month olds who still wake every couple of hours through the night and I do wonder how these parents are still sane.  The truth is I'm nearing the end of my tether atm. I think 9 months of disturbed sleep can do that to a person.

Eliza has her 'moments' and currently I'm pleased to say they are getting fewer though I know they will no doubt return when I least expect them.  She's a happy girl but very wilful.  She knows what she wants and will often cry and shout till she gets it.  She hasn't yet realised that Mom is just as stubborn though and shouting and screaming will get her nowhere.  On the whole her behaviour is good at the moment (aside from a lot of I want, I want, I want) but we find late morning/lunchtime she gets very whingy and moany and we can tell it's a tiredness thing.  Couple of hours in bed on an afternoon soon sorts her out.

I think the thing that's hard is that you lose a little of your identity.  I am Mommy. I feel that all of my hobbies and interests have had to be shelved as there is no 'me' time now.  Even if I'm not looking after the kids I have housework to do.  If it's not housework then there's admin to do for our business.  In my rare child free times when the kids are in bed I have to weigh up which is more important the housework or work-work.  I then get a couple of hours to cram in a much as possible before they're awake and the whole cycle begins again.  4 o'clock rolls around and we're into the realms of "what shall I do them for tea tonight".  Queue google .........'9 month old meal ideas'....Pinterest can be a god-send!  My one saving grace is Ladies Choir which has just started up again.  Tuesday nights are mine and you will not take them.

I think the long and short of it is, there's just not enough hours in the day.  Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, every other Mother of a large family.  Trouble is if there were more hours in the day I'd just be too knackered to appreciate them anyway!

Sorry, I will stop moaning now.  It's 5pm, teatime and Pinterest awaits my perusal :)

Thanks for stopping by!x