
Sunday, 7 November 2010

Tuesday's Treasures

I'll be posting a picture of some of my favourite and most treasured trinkets and trappings and a little bit of blurb to tell you about them.  I would love you to join in by posting a similar item on your own blog or facebook page.  I will not be posting every week, but as and when I have something to share :).

Your photo can be of absolutely anything from your husband to your newest handbag, a favourite photo to your latest flower arrangement!

Hoping you will join in the fun and can't wait to see your weekly offerings!


  1. Hi Rachel, this sounds like a fab idea, would love to contribute! and I too have a border terrier called Poppy Dog! Mummyrella x

  2. Thanks for your comments. That's lovely, glad you're happy to take part. Please spread the word, it would be lovely to get a few 'treasures' to have a look at :)
    Had a visit to your blog and now following you on Networked Blogs. Always pleased to meet a fellow Border owner! x

  3. Ooooh, I like this idea and will join in!

  4. Super, the more the merrier! :)

  5. Here you go my first entry for Tuesday's Treasure!

  6. great reading all your news and seeing your pics cant join in myself as i,m thick but i will enjoy reading yours x x

  7. I really laughed when I read this comment! Not sure you're that 'thick' that you couldn't throw a blog's easy!
