
Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Tuesday's Christmas Treasures - Beautiful Baubles!

This week I thought I'd show you a selection of my favourite Christmas tree decorations.

I've been collecting tree decorations since 'P' and I first moved in together and to match our lounge colour scheme they've always been along the gold and red theme.  Some have been expensive from local garden centres or craft fayres, others have been bargain finds from local stores and many have been broken over the years.

'A' now loves decorating the tree with me and we put all the hanging decorations into groups of the same kind before spreading them out on the tree.  She has her favourites as do I and here is just a few of them.........


  1. Your tree looks beautiful in your lounge. I love the garland around the mirror too.

    Mich x

  2. Gorgeous tree and home! Thanks for joining in our home tour x

  3. I would love a fireplace like yours - wonderful decorations

  4. Thanks you. I'm very lucky to have a brother who's superb at carpentry. He made the fire surround a few years ago when we re-decorated the lounge.

  5. Thank you and what a super idea! :)
