Things have been a bit busy recently. Work has picked up, which of course is good but just means things are a bit more hectic. Have been spending a lot of time over the last couple of weeks making updates to the website and looking at marketing strategies for the business. We have a couple of meetings lined up this week too which should help things along. Our lease now looks like it will be extended into 2012 which is good news as it means not having to start hunting for appropriate business premises again, which is just impossible!
'A' is still loving high school and has now been set for some of her subjects, really pleased that she's been placed in the top band for English and Maths. She's joined the school orchestra and after a shaky start is now enjoying the sessions each week. Her rehearsals are also well under way for Youth Onstage's production of Hairspray that will run at the end of November. 'S' finally decided to stick with his GCSE music option after much deliberation but has changed from Woodwork to Food Tech which we are enjoying as much as him as we get to sample his culinary delights :).
Finally decided last week that the grubby cream walls in the lounge just had to go! We'd actually bought some green floral wallpaper samples back from B&Q some time ago with the intention of revamping the bedroom, but after buying the new sofa's we decided to go for this scheme in the lounge. I trekked off to B&Q on Thursday to stock up on the supplies (Dulux Malt Chocolate and Laurence Llewelyn Bowen wallpaper) and we spent the weekend filling, painting, glossing and wallpapering. Poor Arnold has spent the majority of this time behind his gate watching the proceedings. I don't think he could quite work out why he'd been shut out but I think after last night's stressful wallpapering events and profanities he was quite glad to be as far away from me as possible! All in all though I think we did well to get it all done in one weekend and we're both really pleased with the results. Just curtains to buy now once we find some we like.
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