
Sunday, 4 May 2014

A new look and a quick catch up

Welcome to my new look blog, what do you think?

I've had a new logo created by Saffy Loves on Etsy.  She has some beautiful designs which she regularly updates on Instagram and I just love to see her creations.

I thought the new logo called for a whole new layout so I've spent today re-jigging my background and other settings.  I may still make a few changes but I'll see how I go for now.

Today the sun is shining and I've been off out and about with my top off.  No, put them away I hear you cry! You'll be pleased to hear I'm referring to my mini convertible and not my apparel.  Was great blasting through the country lanes earlier with the wind blowing in my face (although I looked my Bridget Jones and Grace Kelly when I finally arrived home).

I currently have a huge infatuation with cabochon jewellery and am having great fun creating lots of new designs.  This seem to have gone down really well on Instagram and Etsy and I've been busy fulfilling orders over the last couple of weeks.  More to come on this in my next post.

A house move

Since my last post we have now finally moved house and are spending time planning all the repair work that needs to be carried out.  We new when we chose our new home that it would be a bit of a 'project' but we loved the position, the lovely large south facing garden and fact that it had so much potential.  There's still a lot of boxes to unpack but we're using our back room for storage at the moment while we renovate the rest of the house.

I promise to post again very soon with house progress and news of my new jewellery creations.

Off to enjoy the sunshine and tea and cake for Niece Sophie's 16th!

Thanks for stopping by! x

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