
Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Long time no see

Well here we go, my first post in just over 2 years!

New arrivals

For those of you who've read my new bio you'll see that there's been a lot happening in Twinkle Twit house and none of it 'crafty'. Back in March last year we welcomed lovely Eliza into our family. This was child number 3 for us after a huge gap of 15 years. Having another baby was something we'd talked about so many times and in the end we decided to just go for it. We were both quite young (in our 20's) when we had Sam and Abi and felt that having another child now would be a very different experience and it certainly has been so far. We have a lot more patience and although the occasional whining at time still grinds on our nerves as it would with any parent, on the whole we feel a lot more 'chilled' about the whole toddler scenario. Of course it does help that Eliza has been an absolute angel. Even from when she was born she has seem such a contented baby and the big plus is that she's a fantastic sleeper and has been from very early on.  She's an extremely happy girl and has a smile for everyone she meets. Nowadays most people, even strangers get a cheery 'hi' and a wave too! 😊

Baby Number 4

So much so, this brings me to the news that we're now expecting baby number 4 to the Twinkle Twit clan in November this year! Can still hardly believe it myself to be honest. Me, mom of 4!! I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant and next week will be our 20 week anomaly scan where we can find out the sex of baby griff. We both think it's a boy and so far we've guessed 3 out of 3 correctly so all bets are on.

Pregnancy so far has been a little rough but I feel like I've passed the worst. Awful nausea till around 15/16 weeks and since then the nausea has been replaced with headaches and migraines. Saying that though, I have been headache free for a few days at least. I find I only have to do slightly too much bending or carrying and my sciatic pain is awful.  On the positive side though, little Barney Bear as he or she is affectionately known, has been moving around rather a lot this week and I've begun to feel the faint kicks and niggles which is just lovely. 

As you can imagine, due to all the events in the Twinkle Twit house, there has not been a great deal of activity in the craft department.  I do miss it a great deal but I know it will still be waiting for me when Eliza and 'Barney Bear' are old enough to occupy themselves for longer than 5 minutes 😀. However, any little projects I do manage to fit in will be posted in due course. 

House developments

Progress on the house has been a little slow with everything else going on but there have been some improvements.  More to come on this very soon.

Thanks for stopping by! X

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