
Saturday, 5 February 2011

Arnold Update - 7 - 8 months

Thought it was about time for an Arnold update seeing as the little fella's nearly 8 months old now!  I really can't believe what a grown up dog he now looks, he's fur's really grown and almost looks like he has a lion's mane.  He still has the same adorable face and it's still hard to deny those big brown puppy eyes.

He's made a new friend in 'Arthur' my friend Jo's Airedale Terrier.  Their personalities are so alike it's untrue but I guess that's the 'terrier' in them!  When let loose in Jo's garden they chase each other around having a good bark and generally play biting and jumping on each other.  It's so comical to watch! :)

Behaviour wise, he's such a good boy on the whole.  When I'm at home with him during the day he's just so loving and follows me around from room to room or curls up by my feet while I'm working on the computer.  He still has a long way to go with his walk training and his behaviour towards other dogs, but we're working on it.  Looking at him now I can't believe how far he's come since the days of hanging onto our legs with his teeth till he drew blood!

Arnold's off on his hols next weekend when he goes to stay with Mom-in-law for 3 weeks while we're away at Disney.  We've been 'acclimatising' him over the last month by taking him to stay once a week for 1 or 2 nights.  He absolutely loves it now, Mom-in-Law takes him on loads of walks and he is great company for her too.  She said she loves the way he curls up next to her on his blanket, leans on her feet and looks up at her with those loving eyes :)

We shall miss him soooo much while we're away and I just hope he hasn't forgotten us when we get back.  One things for sure, Mom-in-law will certainly miss him after having him there for 3 weeks.


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rachel, Rachel. Rachel said: Arnold Update – 7 – 8 months: Thought it was about time for an Arnold update seeing as the little fella’s nearly... [...]

  2. AAhhhh bless him - I remember those days! I too found it difficult to leave Poppydog for too long, but they are so adorable that their doggysitters will love them to bits and it makes it all the nicer when you come back and get those lovely licks and frantic wiggles of the bottom and tail! enjoy Disney, Arnold will enjoy his holiday and you will have a wonderful homecoming! Mummyrella x
