
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Tuesday's Treasures - Baby Memories

Tuesday's Treasures - Baby Memories

Whilst sorting the bedroom during the week I got a little sidetracked and started sifting through some of the books and photo albums on our bookshelf.

We have two lovely 'Baby Record Books' from when 'S' and 'A' were born and I adore looking through these and reminiscing.  Along with photo's and baby details we kept copies of newspaper cuttings and other announcements, cards, locks of hair and gift tags.  I could spend hours looking back through these especially reading about all their 'firsts' and how we felt when they said their first word took their first steps etc.  It all seems like such a long time ago now they're 14 and 10!

I'm so glad we took the time to keep these books updated now as 'A' very often loves to also have a read through and asks questions about what she did when she was little.  They really are something we'll always treasure.


If you'd like to take part in Tuesday's Treasures please feel free to copy the image above and post to your blog with your picture for this week, with a link in the comments below.

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Hoping you will join in the fun and can’t wait to see your weekly offerings!

1 comment:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rachel and Rachel, Rachel. Rachel said: NEW Blog Post............Here's this week's Tuesday's Treasures - Baby Memories: [...]
